I was a bit behind the curve, but I finally read the news this morning that Sean Payton would, indeed, return to coach the Saints next season (and hopefully for many more). So I did what any self-hatingrespecting blogger would do – pat myself on the back.

Or a high five.
As I wrote the other day:
“…I think you can reasonably say that if Sean Payton is coaching the Saints next year, that is where he wants to be. Which means he’s an engaged, intense and eager-to-prove-the-world-wrong Sean Payton, also known as the best Sean Peyton.”
“If Payton’s back, then I’m 99% sure Brees is, too.”
“If I had to predict I’d say Brees and Payton return…”
Not to mention:
“…predictions are bulls*t.”
Wait, what?
Still, I’m already feeling better about next season.