This is a pretty abbreviated issue of the Filaments, so consider it Part 1. I’ll post some more stuff this weekend. The streak is alive!
- This is a nice waste of time (in the best sense of the term) – a 360 degree panorama of The Milky Way.
THE Milky Way, not A milky…mmm, that looks delicious.
- Maybe there are other Milky Ways out there somewhere.
- Congrats to Ryan Kalish for making the Cubs opening day roster. This article summarizes some of the injuries he has had to overcome.
- The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles looks…surprisingly interesting?!
- This young lady is a pretty amazing makeup artist.
- I heard today is National Black Forest Cake Day. It’s also National Something-on-a-Stick Day. Can we get on combining those two, pronto? In any case, in honor of the first one, here’s the Song of the Week.